The Panties

By Maria Pandil

Driving in the Mountains
Photo by María Pandil

The Panties

One day, Paulina and Roberto, the two adventurers, had to go to work in a very distant and unknown place, deep into the mountains.

For both of them, at first, it was a very big challenge that they had to deal with, arriving safely at the place of work, an old mine. Everything was unknown, because they had never been, there and they did not know how far away it was.

The passionate adventurers began the journey by traveling long stretches of dirt road, to achieve their goal. The road was so long and rugged that they found wide rocky streets and narrow trails with their respective overhangs, as well as hills almost attached to each other, also roads where the mountains really, sometimes, blocked their way, allowing them to pass only the truck in which they traveled. But, at the same time, for them, in reality, everything was a great adventure lived at the moment, which was still fantastic, because that was what they were passionate about.

Roberto and Paulina had already advanced a few miles after entering the mountain, when they realized that they were passing through a place with many large trees, bushes, and immense mountains on both sides of the road. So, from then on, they were very afraid of getting lost, since they looked at everything very confused, because there were roads here with large slopes and cobblestone roads there.

That day was the first day that they would show up to provide their maintenance service at the mine, they already had a long list of what they had to repair. After traveling a long way, they found another person who was heading to the same place. Now it was easier, because they were following that person who would guide them there.

When they arrived at their destination, they began to go through each of the areas, mainly the parts that would be repaired. The three of them got to work, and when they finished, they went to gather their things, because they had to get out of there as soon as possible, since night would soon fall.

They, on the way home, were delayed on the way, and for the moment the guide was lost. They came to two gaps that, in reality, neither one nor the other knew which way to go, to the right or to the left; They both felt confused and scared, afraid of choosing the wrong path and getting lost in that world of hills. Night had already fallen, everywhere was darkness. Finally, the driver of the car, Roberto, decided to turn left, and he hit it, because that was really the right path, later on the guide was waiting for them in the middle of the road. They were very happy to see that person in the distance, but no one takes away how scare they got. Both their souls returned to their bodies, they felt relieved.

But, yes, Paulina told Roberto: ¨The next time we return to this place, I will put on the road, at least, my panties as a sign so as not to get lost¨. The two men looked at each other and burst out laughing at what Paulina had said, that she would put on her panties as a sign not to get lost on another occasion that they would go back to work in that remote place.

Written by Maria Pandil

In Spanish

Los Calzones

Un día, Paulina y Roberto, los dos aventureros, tuvieron que salir a trabajar a un lugar muy lejano y desconocido, internándose en las montañas.

Para los dos, al principio, fue un reto muy grande que tenían que desafiar, llegando con bien hasta el lugar de trabajo, una vieja mina. Todo era desconocido, porque nunca habían ido hacia allá y tampoco sabían a qué distancia se localizaba.

Los apasionados aventureros empezaron la travesía recorriendo largos tramos de carretera de terracería, para lograr su cometido. Fue tan largo y escabroso el camino que, se encontraron con anchas calles pedregosas y angostos senderos con sus respectivos voladeros, así como cerros casi pegados uno con otro, también caminos en donde las montañas realmente, a veces, les cerraban el paso, permitiendo pasar solo la camioneta en donde ellos viajaban. Pero, a la vez, para ellos en realidad todo era una gran aventura vivida en el momento, que igual era fantástica, porque eso a ellos les apasionaba.

Roberto y Paulina ya habían avanzado unos cuantos kilómetros después de internarse en el monte, cuando se dieron cuenta que pasaban por un lugar con muchos árboles grandes, arbustos, e inmensas montañas a los dos costados del camino. Entonces, a partir de ahí, sintieron mucho miedo de perderse, ya que todo lo miraban muy confuso, pues había caminos por aquí con grandes laderas y caminos empedrados por allá.

Ese día, era el primer día en el que se presentarían a prestar su servicio de mantenimiento en la mina, ellos ya llevaban una gran lista de lo que tenían que reparar. Después de recorrer un largo camino, encontraron a otra persona que se dirigía al mismo lugar. Ahora ya era más fácil, porque iban siguiendo a esa persona que los guiaría hasta allá.

Cuando llegaron a su destino, empezaron a recorrer cada una de las áreas, principalmente las partes que repararían. Los tres se pusieron a trabajar, y, cuando terminaron, se dispusieron a recoger sus cosas, porque tenían que marcharse de ahí lo antes posible, ya que pronto caería la noche.

Ellos, de regreso a casa, en el camino se atrasaron, y por el momento se les perdió el guía. Llegaron a dos brechas que, en realidad, ni uno ni el otro sabía para dónde dirigirse, si a la derecha o a la izquierda; los dos se sentían confundidos y asustados, temiendo elegir el camino equivocado y perderse en ese mundo de cerros. La noche ya había caído, por todos lados era obscuridad. Ya por último, quien conducía el carro, Roberto, decidió girar hacia la izquierda, y le atinó, porque en verdad ese era el camino correcto, porque más adelante el guía los estaba esperando en medio del camino. Ellos se pusieron muy contentos al ver a lo lejos a esa persona, pero el susto que se llevaron nadie se los quita. A los dos les volvió el alma al cuerpo, se sintieron aliviados.

Pero, eso sí, Paulina le dijo a Roberto: ¨La próxima vez que volvamos a este lugar, pondré en el camino, aunque sea, mis calzones como señal para no perdernos¨. Los dos hombres se miraron uno al otro, y se echaron a reír por lo que había dicho Paulina, que pondría sus calzones como señal para no perderse, en otra ocasión que volvieran a trabajar a ese lugar tan apartado.

Written by Maria Pandil



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