


My whole life was a mirage.

Always like a game of cards

and chess, it was never random.

I always knew how to win or lose.

The beauty of life is knowing how to understand it,

connecting the dots to generate pleasure.

And in the end, life left you.

If you know how to advise, it must be real and

true, only thus the purpose of your life

it will be achieved.

Written by Maria Pandil

In Spanish

La Vida

Toda mi vida fue un espejismo.

Siempre como un juego de cartas

y de ajedrez, al azar nunca fue.

Siempre supe ganar o perder.

lo bonito de la vida es saberla comprender,

atar cabos para generar placer.

Y al final ya la vida se te fue.

Si sabes aconsejar, debe ser real y de

verdad, sólo así el propósito de tu vida

se logrará.

Written by María Pandil



A Life Short Story of a busy woman who forgot something on the top of her car. Come and read what happens next to her.

Written By Maria Pandil

The Man of the wagon

The Man on the Wagon

A Supernatural Short Story about how Rosibel, she was left with the illusion of seeing a wagon fly through the air.

Written by Maria

You don't go out of style

You Don’t Go Out of Style

It’s a wonderful poem that describes the eternal nature of being itself for generations.

Written by María Pandil

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