Pink Clouds

Pink Clouds
Photo by Brett Sayles on

Pink Clouds

How wonderful it is to look at the dawn that

disappears each day!

And even more so when he paints

the pink clouds with color.

As night falls,

the moon appears.

Giving a special touch,

to the infinite sky.

Those pink clouds

stay in my mind, remembering

my childhood, sweet cottons.

Written by Maria Pandil

Nubes Rosadas

Qué maravilloso es mirar el alba que

se pierde en cada día!.

Y más cuando pinta de color

las nubes rosadas.

Al casi caer la noche,

aparece la luna.

Dando un toque especial,

al infinito cielo.

Esas nubes rosadas se

alojan en mi mente, recordando

mi niñez, dulces algodones.

Written by María Pandil

The Good and the Bad

The Good and the Bad

A Supernatural Short Story about, how the bad woman used everything to make the good woman leave her job.

Written by Maria Pandil

Until I Die, My Argentina

Until I Die, my Argentina

A Life Short Story where Lucy happily remembers part of her life despite being 96 years old.

Written by Maria Pandil



Love is a Poem that deals with reciprocal feelings such as Purity, Peace, bringing true happiness in life.

Written by Maria Pandil

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