Song Lyrics

Song Lyrics

In this content, I present my Song Lyrics. As I write in the beautiful Spanish language, and my songs are in Spanish. I have translate it into English for you. All of these songs need Music put to them.

Song Lyrics

Music is precious, for those of us who like to listen to it. In these times there are different musical genres, with which you can enjoy listening or dancing to your favorite music. In this space I present some of my unpublished compositions ”lyrics”. I invite you to read my Song Lyrics, and it will be you who will say if you like one of them. To interpret them or make relevant changes, as well as add the music. Some of the songs already have the melody, but in the same way, you can change it.

About me:

My delight is to write, therefore I present here a short story that will lead you to reflect on the great things lived in life. It’s ”The House of Forgiveness”. This is one of my featured stories of the month. Throughout my life I have compiled a long list of stories, phrases of reflection, songs and poems, written by me.

And one of the most wonderful early poems I ever wrote is called, He. This will be presented during this month. You will see that you will like it! But also, I have many Life Stories, where I capture my wonderful memories. And one of my favorites is ”Grandma on the Scooter”; as well as others! I’m sure you’ll like them!

My Adventures in writing

My Adventure Stories, when writing them, transported me to a world where my own experience led me to discover that wonderful place of exploration. The one I express in those funny short stories. With my analysis, from all this, I have come to discover, certain funny things that have happened to people close to me; as well as the beautiful memories of my life.

In these last two genres of short stories, they are Fantasy Stories, and Supernatural Stories. And, as a writer, the magic of mixing reality with my dreams has arisen in them, therefore these short stories are also very special for me; just like the others mentioned above.

These are just some of the Short Stories and Poems I have, but there is more to be published! I write in the beautiful Spanish language, and translate it into English. My stories have the original writing in Spanish. I really hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed writing them!

Written by Maria Pandil

Song Lyrics

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